A way to deal with negativity…

Life Coach HealerAll of us know to this very well, negative emotions in form of self lowering, hopelessness, frustration, fear and many others, that at times surround us like a cloud to drag us down or keep us stuck in old patterns…

When we start out on our journey of self-discovery to embrace our deeper, spiritual side we often encounter this in an even greater scale… See it as the resistance of our bodies towards development and expansion, the collective cloud of fear and hopelessness that tightens its grip on us, because we are starting to liberate our heart and mind or just the natural consequence of opening up, receiving more love and light and thereby making the shadows even more clear… The soul’s resistance on its way back to itself…

No matter the source and no matter the reason, it is wise to have some sort of strategy against this negativity, so we enable ourselves to really embrace what is…
And embracing it is the first part, first of all we have to accept that life and every aspect of life is exactly as it is, just here and now… Accept and embrace ourselves just as we are, our conditions and everyone that is present in our life, just breathing through it…
When we do that, with the true deep intention of really opening up and embrace what is, it is like it opens a sacred passageway within our heart, we go to a deeper level where everything is the same, yet everything seem changed… We start to see and understand from within our heart consciousness…

From here we connect with our most sacred, for some people it may be God, the great Spirit, the Source for others it may carry another name, most important is that you open your heart to it from a genuine place.
That will take you to an even deeper place, where this world is connected with the true inflow of love and light, from there you find your true strength and your true nature…
Make sure to have a good heart-felt connection to this most sacred before you proceed, dwell there for as long as you need, and sometimes just stop here, dwelling within the love of the One…

Next step is helping yourself, but is at the same time a service to the world and all living beings.. You start to breathe it, you breathe the negativity in, in a loving and accepting way, not with any agenda to change it or to transform it in any specific way, just accepting what is… You connect it into the One Source from the former step and just let the negativity pass into there… Here you reconnect with the Source, your most sacred and from there breathe out, sharing that true love and light from the Source with yourself, your outer bodies and your relations…
Eventually sending it further and further into this world of manifestation, sharing the love and light you’ve received with everyone and everything in this world. Of course that comes with practice, in the beginning you will naturally focus on that which is closest to you and then by practice sending more and more love into this world.

This can be a very helpful practice, when you go to it with honesty and true intention it will enable you to strengthen your connection with the One Life flowing through all, and it will give you more stamina not to get pulled down and drown into a sea of negativity…

Remember also first of all be loving and patient with yourself, this is not about performing, so stop bashing yourself in the head with not being good enough, just be who you are, do it exactly from how you are, make it your own and flow with it…

You are amazing and beautiful.



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