5 Mental Habits to Quit to Live a Passionate Life


In order to seize life and live to the fullest, there are some habits that you will need to put aside. Often times, there is nothing wrong with the path you are on, but rather with the way that you think about and approach it. These undesirable mental habits are the very things that are keeping you from considering what the truth is. You may go through your days being blind to the fact that life is a journey and not realize that you will need to find and live your passion. What you will need to note first in order to change are the mental habits that have barricaded you.


How often is that we feel the need to do more but are held back by our own negative thoughts? Very often we tell ourselves that “I am not good enough”, “I am not smart enough”, “I am not passionate enough”, “I am not worthy of being heard”, “I am not connected enough”, I am wasting my time”. You will have to break free of these excuses if you ever want to move forward and lead a fulfilled life.

Striving for Perfection

            As human beings, we are designed to err. Having the mindset that you have to do everything perfectly is what will be one of your biggest obstacles. If you feel the need to do everything right, make no mistakes and not have anyone judge or criticize you, bear in mind that failure and criticism are inevitable. There is often this strong urge to protect yourself and you turn to perfectionism as your form of defence. Remind yourself that although you will never be perfect, there are things about you that are great and imperfection is one of the joys of life.

What Others Think

Along with wanting to be perfect, you often get caught in the need to worry about and live according to what others think about you. You are unwilling to try a new hobby or embrace change as it comes because you fear being ridiculed by others. You may need to look at the fact that change is also inevitable and rather than being afraid of it and the criticism of others, you need to let it in.

Mistrust of Yourself

            Whatever your career, you may often have the silent feeling of dread that you are not knowledgeable enough to do your job well. You feel as if you are an imposter and you are letting down people that count on you the most. Though this mental habit may encourage you to work harder and do more, once it cripples you and stops you from moving forward, it has become an undesirable habit.

Comparing Yourself to Others

            There will always be others that are smarter than you with more experience as well. However you cannot downplay your worth and berate yourself. You will have to be yourself no matter how frightening it is. There is no one, and there never will be another, like you.