Follow Your Passion

I like all the other people was working for a strict 9 to 5 job. This job gave me all the money I wanted but it failed to give me the mental satisfaction that I desired. I wanted to be a life coach, to help people realize the power within themselves after I had realized the power within me. Quitting my job to do what I love doing was not easy but as they say “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

If you also have a passion that you want to follow badly, as per my observation, keep the following things into mind:

Try being financially and mentally stable before quitting your job: yes you need to follow your passion but you need to be financially stable unless you have a great financier who takes care of all your financial needs. Also prepare yourself mentally for the fact that you might face a few setbacks in the way of fulfilling your passion but you need to keep moving to the direction of your dreams until one day, you will become successful in whatever you do.
Understand that risk is a part o following your passion: when I quit my 9 to 5 job, there were great risks involved the most important being losing my constant source of money. You should understand that if you do not take risks, you cannot be successful. Just follow your heart, work hard and stay confident. If you are in the right path and the right direction, no one can stop you from being successful.
Gather all the knowledge and information relevant for your field: before you quit your job and start following your passion, make sure that you know all the pros and cons of your dream project. When I went out to become a life coach, I understood the fact that there are hundreds of such coaches today and it will be difficult for me to make a mark. But I believed in the uniqueness of my approach and thus followed by dream. I was also aware of the fact that people will criticize me initially but with the passage of time, when they will see the changes brought about by my coaching, they will start believing and appreciating my work.
Never try to do it alone: Admit it. You cannot do it alone. Make sure that you come into contact with all the relevant people who will be your team and help you in achieving what you deserve. Your dream should be one with theirs. Do not be scared to tell people about your dreams. They might act as a stepping stone in your success. The more you discuss your dreams with people, the more ideas you get about what you need to do to fulfill your passion.

Loving what you do is something that will make you happy no matter what. I had the courage to follow my heart and become a life coach. Even you can do so.